Trust Kikaku 2020 Wall Calendar
Thank you for many voting to Trust Kikaku original calendar 2020!!
Finally, we’ve finished the counting.
We received many photos, so we decided to make 2 types of calendars, wall type & desk type.
Ok! So firstly…
Let’s show who is the winner!
~Cover for Wall Calendar~

Here are the winner for pages of Jan. to Dec.!
They are really cool(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
Can’t wait to get the calendar
Trust Kikaku 2020 Desk Calendar
We also made desk calendar in this year(*◇‘v′+艸)
Because many customers sent us cool and beautiful photos!
Here are the winners for desk type.
~Cover for Desk Calendar~

Here are the winner for pages of Jan. to Dec.!
They are also cool, aren’t they?(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
AND!!!! We’re gonna make special calendar as CEO award
We can not tell you about it yet♪((●>ω<)っ)))
We are gonna let you know once it is decided♥
About Sale
The calendars will be released on Oct.
Wall Type:JPY 1.500 + Sales Tax 10%
Desk Type:JPY 1.000 + Sales Tax 10%
Our deepest thanks to give us nice photos!
We will make new calendar for 2011 in next year.
So we will keep to find new photos for it:)